Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmastime is Here! {yikes}

Christmas Eve 2011

Somehow, when you have a baby in mid-November, you manage to forget that a big event like Christmas is on the horizon.  I mean - you know it's there.  But it still seems far enough away that you don't have to actually think about it.

Um, I'm sending myself a wake-up call.  Christmas is only 18 days away.  Ahhh!!

Christmas 2011

It's so much fun to imagine Christmas with a little family.  All of the excitement and anticipation, the laughter and whispers and surprises - it all seems magical!  The thing is, when your family is just starting out, it takes a little bit to get to that point.  Last year, Lincoln was old enough to be mildly entertained by the hubbub, but he really had no idea.  This year - I think he will really enjoying opening gifts and all of the attention.  Maybe by next Christmas, when he will be almost three, he will be able to understand the true meaning of things.  I can hope, anyway.

Even though he is still not comprehending everything, and tiny Addie will just be along for the ride this year, I'm determined to start a few family Christmas traditions that we can carry out for years to come!  This is a small list of some of my ideas...we'll see how motivated I am in the next two weeks to see them through.

Gift-Wrapped Christmas Book Advent.  I found this lovely idea last year via this Pinterest pin, and I was so excited that I actually went out after Christmas and bought quite a few clearanced board books to use in this project.  It's looking like we might be doing 12 days of Christmas, instead of 25....since the books are all in a pile that is cascading from the couch in our basement right now.  Not a single one is wrapped yet...!

Minivan Express.  Another Pinterest find, featured on Confessions of a Homeschooler, this involves hiding special golden tickets in your kid's beds one night and taking your little ones on a pajama-clad journey to see Christmas lights.  Hot cocoa is a must.  This idea is awesome.  Unfortunately I don't think Lincoln is really old enough to understand it yet.

Crafting a Family Ornament.  There are so many cute ideas for do-it-yourself ornaments.  I dream of making dozens of them with the kids each year.  Perfect for our tree and gifts for probably everyone we know, right?

Christmas Morning. I want it to be a tradition to read the Christmas story before we dive into opening gifts.  I also want to find the perfect Christmas breakfast recipe!

Christmas Eve Pajamas.  This is the one tradition we started last year - letting Lincoln open one gift - special new pajamas - on Christmas Eve.  You can see how well it went.  Poor kid was worn out from multiple holiday parties.  Hoping this year is more successful!

I'm linking up with Kelly's Korner today, as well as Growing Up Geeky for next week's Toddle Along Tuesday! What is your family's favorite holiday tradition?


  1. I love that golden ticket idea - brilliant!

  2. I love the minivan express idea! My son is too little yet but I am filing that one away!!

  3. I love the idea of reading the Christmas story before opening gifts. I think it's a great way to remember what the true meaning of Christmas is. We never read it at my family's Christmas but at dinner with the Hubby's family, Great Popa reads it before we eat dinner. Thanks for the ideas & linking up!

  4. We made Christmas ornaments the past two years. They are our newest holiday tradition!

  5. I love these traditions! We also drive around to look at lights in our jammies, we can't wait to pass on that tradition!
