Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So most of you (all 4 of you) know how I recently purchased a new SLR camera, and that I am loving it to death! Here's the thing - I have a trip to NYC soon and have been concerned about carrying it around with me because I will look like an unsightly tourist and I like to think that I know the city better than that.

So I've been on the lookout for a better way to carry my camera. and let me tell you - I have found it.

Epiphanie sells these amazing bags that are designed specially for SLR cameras - and fashionistas who want to be stylish without carrying a man-bag to hold their camera.

I've decided upon the blue one. Guess why? It's called "Belle."

So excited. Buying one soon. Can't wait to get it. :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

springtime inspiration

Last night's project. Actually finished this in less than 2 hours!! :) Based on a sketch I found at Bella Blvd.

Supply List:
Patterned Paper - Dear Lizzy + American Crafts, DCWV
Flair Button - Dear Lizzy + American Crafts
Flowers - Prima
Letter Stickers - Colorbok
Circle Die Cuts - random $1 Store find
Pen - American Crafts

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My left foot is really sore today. I have no idea why. But it's now at the point where I'm limping. I'm hoping it goes away overnight. I have too much to do at work to even think about calling in sick.

I was supposed to spend this evening on video edit projects, but had so many things come up that by the time I could have started was 9pm. I knew I wouldn't get much done, so I just decided to wrap up my latest sketch challenge from Studio Calico. Here's the result.

"Crazy Mess"
(documenting the state of our house during Little Princess / Secret Garden at BSCT last year)

The photo is blurry because my foot hurt too much to carry the page and the camera to better lighting. Sorry. :\

Loving that I am consistently making at least 1 scrapbook page each week. It might not seem like much, but it's a huge improvement and the sense of accomplishment (on something other than work, classes, cleaning, boring life stuff) is amazing.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


It's the first day of spring. It snowed. A lot. It's like a winter wonderland outside.


We stayed home all day, and I have been doing laundry and crafting. Finished up a couple of scrapbook layouts, and am currently sewing pillows for the living room (finally!).

Here's a glance at my latest scrapbook creation - got it finished just in time to enter the Sunday Sketch challenge on the Studio Calico blog. Woohoo!

Hoping for a heat wave overnight so all the snow will be gone when I wake up... We'll see.

Monday, March 15, 2010

i do believe in faeries...

Hosting programs at the library sometimes has benefits. Like, when you get free face painting.

And when you've never had your face painted before (because your mom always said no)'s a pretty amazing event.

Loving my SLR today.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

ah, weekend.

It's a glorious rainy Saturday. And I'm spending it at work. Not quite my ideal day. :\

Working today means I did not have to work yesterday - and it's sometimes equally as nice to have a Friday off work. We spent most of the day working on the disaster area garage. Here's a before photo.

All this stuff has accumulated over the course of the entire 2009 AGDT Season, as well as BSCT's The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. Pretty much what happens is, at the end of a performance, everything gets thrown in the back of the garage and I just hope it will disappear. Unfortunately, it never seems to get the hint.

Here's what it looked like at the height of the disaster yesterday, after we had pulled everything off the back wall to sort and reorganize.

It's not finished yet, but I'm hoping to wrap the project tomorrow afternoon. I have a huge carload of stuff to take back to my mom's house, another huge load of stuff to take to BSCT, and yet another huge load of TRASH to be dealt with. After I move all of that out, it should be a nice sensible organized space.

Here's my layout for this week's Studio Calico sketch challenge. It took me most of the week - finally finished it last night. I love having a timed challenge to inspire me to get the page done!

This was a fun night of babysitting a little over a year ago. I can't believe how much these kids have grown up since then. Time is just flying by...can't even imagine what it's going to be like when I have my own babies.

Happy Saturday, all!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

it was a productive monday.

Spring is HERE!!

At least, it's consistently been above freezing lately (for three days anyway). This new development is SO exciting. I've had my windows open the past couple days...I'm excited for spring.

On Sunday, I went on a mass organization frenzy and mostly redid the living room and the office. This desk formerly held the top half of a Walmart bookshelf - which was stuffed to overflowing. We condensed the books - excited for garage sale season! - and were able to move the small half-bookshelf to the garage, where it will eventually hold my AGDT library.

I'm excited to have the bulletin board hanging as well. I think I bought it in last year's Lakewood garage 9 months ago.

The hall coat closet went through a major overhaul as well. The floor was previously covered with tons of bags - plastic, paper, and otherwise - and random cardboard boxes. I think this stuff had been in there since we moved in. I also organized all of the winter accessories on the top shelf - they used to be all shoved in just one basket. Obviously they did not fit and it was very difficult to find anything.

Yesterday I spent part of my last free Monday (AGDT starts next week) at Hobby Lobby. A quick shot of all the goodness waiting to be unloaded at home:

I have been working on a wall art idea for probably 6 months - and I finally decided to make it a reality. Here is the finished product -

It features photos from our shoot with Lindsey at the Plaza last October, and has the lyric from the finale song in Beauty and the Beast - which was our wedding recessional. ♥ it.

While at Hobby Lobby to purchase the supplies for this wall art, I realized that they have coordinating fabrics to the paper I selected!! I immediately decided that new couch pillows were in order, to try to give a cute pop of color to my mostly bland living room. So this is the fabric - will definitely post photos once the project is underway.

Also randomly decided that the house needed some cute floral arrangements. Here is my "test" one - I really love it and am planning to make a few matching ones, to set on top of the piano as well.

Book club at work last night - we made miniature kites. Wow, it's difficult to get 14 little girls to work on a project that involves small pieces and tying knots. But success - everyone went home with a finished product.

All in all? It was a good Monday.
Now, today? It's been okay so far. But check out my to-do list for tonight/the rest of this week:

Yep, that's just half the list. I'm off to cross off one thing...finishing this blog post! Woohoo! :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

one more dancing note.

We're back from the trip to St. Louis for Grandma's funeral. Andrew's at the theatre today, helping with strike for NigHt of tHe pterodActyls. I'm trying to get the house back in order...after a full week of being off work and feeling too sad and sick (sinus issues) to do anything. Needless to say, the house is pretty much trashed. It's getting better though. I have a Disney soundtrack playing and the windows open. It's the little things.

Anyway - here's a project I made on Wednesday to share with the family at Grandma's funeral service. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. The "Forever Dancing" title - I've had a set of rub-ons from Basic Grey for ages and this seemed like a great project to try them out on. I love the result.

I have a half-written supply list, somewhere. Can't find it. And can't remember where all the flowers came from. Oh well.

The funeral was beautiful - perfect for my sweet Grandma. Still very sad that she is no longer here with us...but I know we'll see her again.

Currently facing the thought of going back to work tomorrow. I worked 2 hours last week. Not sure how tomorrow is going to go....

Monday, March 1, 2010


My sweet grandmother, Maxine Codemo, went home to be with Jesus today.

It's been a hard day. I really haven't had a lot of experience with death. But I was able to be at the hospital with her today. And I think it helped.

Today Grandma was surrounded by her six children, who cried and laughed, and sang some good Codemo renditions of When The Roll is Called Up Yonder and some of her other favorite songs.

She went home at 1:19pm.

We are sad. But we know she's in Heaven with Jesus, where she has longed to be her whole life. She's there with Grandpa. She has kids there that she has never met, and grandchildren too. There's definitely a celebration going on up there.

And I think she and Grandpa are dancing. Even though (being the good conservative woman she is!!), she will likely deny it once we all get there to see her again. i just know they're going to be dancing for a long, long time.

We miss you already, Grandma.